Getting Well Part 5 – How to Turn it Around

Time to make a U-Turn.Summer '12 271

We’ve agreed we want to get well. Even though it seems scary and is uncomfortable, we see our need for healing. The reasons we fall into depression make a little more sense. We’re examining our choices, and are learning to ask others for help.  Much of our unhealthiness of heart may be a result of wrongs done to us by others, but in our learning to cope and our follow up decisions, we’ve also been part of the problem. So how do we turn things around?

Healing often requires confession of sin.

I know. We hate to think of ourselves as sinners. The word holds a connotation of Bible wielding fanatics screaming in judgment,

Repent or die in hell, sinner!

We simply have to re-evaluate how we consider sin.

The Bible says that Jesus didn’t come to condemn us, but to save us (John 3:17; I John 1:9) God wants to make a way for us to be with him in relationship because he loves us. Let that sink in. Now consider that when we break off relationship with God by deciding that we are better at figuring out our lives than he (the one who created the universe and us) is, that is sin. Simply put, God is God and we are not. He knows everything and we do not. He wants our good, but we, like stubborn two year olds, often think we know better and we want our way. Now.

The concept of sin is that simple.

So when God talks about repentance, he’s asking us to reconsider. To turn toward him instead of away from him so that he can take care of us and bless us in every situation. Even the bad ones. It’s really as easy as making a U-Turn. Okay, so some U-Turns require patience and a little bit of a tight turn, but you get the picture.

How does this apply to getting well?

If we are serious about wanting to get well, we have to be willing to see things in our life that are sin; simply, anything that is not the way God intended for it to be. Then we must tell God we are sorry for doing or allowing something that is sinful—that’s repenting. We may also need to repent and apologize to others who have been hurt by our sin.

At first, repenting can feel so hard to do.

I remember a situation that occurred when I first began to understand this concept of repentance. I shared some information about a friend with another friend that I had no business passing on. It wasn’t gossip, I reasoned, since I wasn’t being mean or sharing something bad, but I had this awful feeling in my heart, a conviction that what I had done simply wasn’t right. It didn’t add anything to either of my friends’ lives, nor to mine other than making me feel important for having “news” to share. Apologizing was in order, but I struggled with my fear of being wrong (pride), and that I’d be rejected by my friends.

Finally, I gave in to the Lord’s gentle leading and repented—first to Him and then to my friends. I’d like to say the situation turned out beautifully and wasn’t awkward at all, but the truth is that the friend I gave the information to didn’t understand why I was making such a big deal over it and was a little miffed at me. The friend whose story I told acknowledged and agreed with my feeling convicted by my sin, and graciously forgave me with love and affection.  While the situation was painful, God brought such good out of it. I realized a lack in one friendship, and I grew closer to the other friend. And I walked away feeling a freedom I had not experienced in the past.

Sometimes it’s hard to grasp God’s grace and desire to love us without condemnation.

If we can be honest with ourselves about our sin, make a U-Turn in our thinking, and reach out for God’s grace in faith, we will be positioned for better things in life. Getting well is a process, but each step of repentance releases new freedom and healing.  Let’s turn this thing around!

What has your concept of sin and repentance been? Do you have an experience of healing as a result of confessing your sin?

11 thoughts on “Getting Well Part 5 – How to Turn it Around

  1. Having to repent to friends can be strange. There is always the fear that they will not want to talk about your past and that bringing up past hurts will simply cause former relationship problems to re-appear.


    1. So true! I guess that’s why it’s best to deal with issues as they come up, but easier said than done. Some things, I think, probably can be forgiven and left alone, but I think if God prompts me to bring something up, then he has a good reason that will bring good out of it. Either way, it’s not easy. But then anything worth it, isn’t usually too easy, is it? 🙂


  2. Hi Laura,
    I knew I liked you for a reason. You admitted when wrong and corrected the situation. You have wonderful morals. Don’t ever change! 🙂
    May God Bless You Indeed!
    Oh, any cute giraffes.


    1. You are so sweet! I know we are kindred spirits! One day I’m going to meet you in person and run up and give you a big hug! (That’s saying a lot because I’m not a big hugger). Thank you again for reading, and your kind encouragement. And I’m glad you like the giraffes…they were at the San Diego Wild Animal Park where we vacationed this past summer 🙂


  3. What a great post! At times it is difficult for us to first confess our sin but seems more difficult to repent to those we wrong. Getting over that hurdle of asking for forgiveness is the biggest thing for me basically because of the unknown but that is best way to begin to heal and find the path I should be on. You continue to inspire through your witness. 🙂 Take care! 😀


    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the post helpful. It’s so true that jumping over that hurdle is tough, especially at first. But I love that every time we do it, it gets easier and we become freer in the Lord! 🙂


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