A Few Tidbits

Here’s a few things I loved from Hebrews chapter 2:

  1. Pay careful attention to the good things we’ve heard about God so we don’t drift away from him. (vs.1)dsc_0003
  2. God created everything to be subject to us! We’ve been given the privilege and responsibility to have dominion over all the earth. We are subject only to God. That means even demons are subject to us – we can make them go away and leave us alone. It also means we should be good caretakers of the resources we have. They ARE resources, but that doesn’t mean we can be wasteful. Take this seriously! (vs.7-9)
  3. Jesus can help us when we are tempted because he suffered when he was tempted in the wilderness and in the garden. He went without food for 40 days, and he sweat drops of blood. I think that qualifies. (vs.18)

Short. So sweet. And to the point.

What’s your take?