Online Dating…An Obsession?

Within days of posting my profile online, all I could think about was whether guys would be interested and if so, when, who and for how long?

I was torn over a guy named, Ed*, liking some things, but not certain about others; and another guy, Ron*, appealed to me with his character and personality, but the chemistry seemed to be missing. At least someone was interested, and I devoured every profile. During this time, I realized two crucial things about myself:

I felt starved for someone, and I didn’t feel worthy of anyone. Hawaii

When I began internet dating, I had been single for five years and with the exception of a man who I occasionally hung out with as a friend (even though I hoped it would progress into something more), and a one-time blind date, I didn’t date.

Cumulatively I had endured twenty-one years of wedded despair (with some rare good times) trying to make marriage work and wondering what was wrong with me that drove my ex-husbands to other women. Perhaps they were looking more for sex than love, but in my broken heart (and possibly theirs) those had been synonymous.

I believed that God meant for marriage to be so much more than required sex and a battle of two wills.

I hoped in the idea that someone out there would some day see my heart, my personality, my hopes and desires, and even my occasional opinionated stubbornness  and love it all as a whole package. I imagined that as a result of that intimate connection, lovemaking would follow within the purposeful boundaries of a solid, ever-growing marriage.

However, instead of what I hoped must be true, I had experienced the “if you love me you will…” Hence, sex equaled love, and my search for “love” left me starved.

I actually longed for companionship, partnership, attention and affection; someone who would love me for me and not just for sex. Men of the past had told me I was beautiful, wonderful, attractive and smart, but after twenty-one years and two divorces, I felt like an unattractive, messed up and discarded failure.

Conquered physically, I had been tossed away.

Unfulfilled and lonely, I desperately clung to the Lord with the daily proclamation “You and me, Jesus.” I so badly wanted that to be enough, and I had grown intimately in love with the Lord. I felt him surround me with love and guidance. Nonetheless, I basked in the admiration and seeming adoration of these internet men.

I just wanted to be special to someone.

Day after day I pined for that singular someone, examining each potential prospect. The compulsion to check my computer for messages overtook my life and turmoil ensued. Was I insecure? Looking for a father figure? In love with being in love? Was this an obsession? I wondered. Would I mistake someone’s physical attraction for genuine love and commitment? The patterns that had ruled my life, still threatened to destroy me.

What were my true motives for seeking a mate?

What are your motives in looking for someone online?
*not their real names

5 thoughts on “Online Dating…An Obsession?

  1. Wow Laura I never realized how you are so much like me in how I have felt in regards to wanting to be loved and feeling so unloved. I seek the Lord daily and wanted it to be all I needed but yet would see so many around me in wedded bliss and wonder if I would ever have that. to feel like it was a lost cause. I too have spent so many hours days obsessed with checking my profiles on so many different sites in hopes of finding the “one” I finally realized I had made the search more important than the actual person. I had to let go and stop looking and pray daily that God knew my heart and would fulfill my desire in his time. I am so enjoying reading your story. really inspirational.


    1. Thanks Laura! Yes, I think so many of us feel the same way. It is at the point of letting go that we see God bring about all our hearts’ desires. It’s enlightening even for me as I write to read my journals and observe the process I went through.


  2. Hope you are busy writing some more…. Have read them all so far!! Intersting to hear the story (finally) – I only know the bits from this end of the world!!! And from Brendan’s side! XXX Shannon


    1. How fun that you are reading! Thanks! My goal is one per week at this point. Look for them on our Wednesdays. Today’s is on it’s way 🙂 A lot of other bits and pieces, but the whole story will unfold, I promise! At least from my point of view. Love you and miss you!


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